Looking for a new Moderator to run the CoTM Section.
Well everyone we are going to move forward with the CoTM Section on the forum. With this we will need a new Moderator who will be able to regulate the section. The Admins discussed and have decided that we will let the people decide!!!
SOOOOO.... We are looking for people who are interested in becoming a Moderator for the CoTM Section. Please submit your requests for the position by 4/22/10. To submit yourself, just send me a private message and include you real name, a contact phone number, and a 1 paragraph description of why you feel you would be a good candidate for the position.
The Admins will look over the applications and the top 3 will be posted with a poll for all of the members to vote on. The poll will run for 1 week and the winning candidate will be made a moderator.
Active member of the Forums
Good Communication Skills
Ability to multitask and effectively manage time
Experience with using vBulletin, and PHPBB
Excellent writing skills
To effectively moderate several threads, while ensuring organization of images and relative post. You will be required to write at least a 2 paragraph article on the CoTM as well as the owner, every month.
Thank you and good luck to all members who apply for this position.
The Admin Team