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Old 02-17-2011, 11:09 AM   #3
OG Member
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Join Date: May 2009
Name: Resolve
Age: 43
Posts: 478
Welcome to the world of dealerships. Alot seem like they don't have time to fix it. As for adding a sub and not haveing space. there are ways to add one and keep some space. Dont be afraid.

But to the topic at hand is it the door or the plastic door panel Vibrating. By inflating what did they do? Sound deadening is going to be the way to go. If it is just the door panal vibrating against the door and not the door it self and you don't want to spend money on sound deadener you can go to a hobby or crafts store (or anywhere) and get some felt, preferebly with a sticky side already on it or soem weather stripping and take the door panel off and place the felt or weather stripping in the places it is rattling. this should solve the problem and be fairly inexpensive and save you the time and hassle of always going to the dealer.

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