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Old 07-20-2009, 02:10 AM   #16
SnuGG's Avatar
Join Date: Jul 2009
Name: Chris
Age: 40
Posts: 46
I know it looks like ass because I used GIMP and my touchpad, can't find my mouse right now... but ya...

Here you go.
If anyone whose vehicle is displayed does not wish it to be there, let me know and I'll take it out.
I just pulled random images from users that have uploaded... that and it was really what came up after I hit refresh on the main site that show random images. Plus some of the skin a scion images from the competition that was on DA.

Again, I apologize for my shitty photo editing skillorz.

From left to right top to bottom: (Artist renditions are listed as "title" - artist on deviant art)
newagestar, Cylon XD, "Shell Shocked" - jonsibal
Lucif3r, Five Axis, khans
"Scion xDi"- adam4186, SnuGG, Ragingbull78 (ScionLife)
xDizzle, "Scion xD: Wet Paint" - AmericanCure, LittleDeviant (not sure on this one)

Let me know what you think! I can edit size and change images around if you want it to be banner sized like the current one is... but it would take away from some cars... it's up to you guys, I can do whatever... but I only do a little dabbling in photo editing... if someone else is a pro at this kind of thing feel free to step up cause I am a beginner at best.

Last edited by SnuGG; 07-20-2009 at 02:32 AM. Reason: BB Code mess up
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