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Old 02-13-2012, 01:19 PM   #22
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Location: Pittsburgh, PA
Name: Mark
Age: 43
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As for the post about finding the interior parts, I'm in a similar situation. I have an 08, which is well before they switched from the shiny black pearl panels to the flat grey-ish ones. I don't really mind the shiny black, but they seem to be both magnets for dust, as well very easily streaked and marked. On top of that, my car is silver and from when I first bought the car I've thought that it would look so much better with silver/silver-grey panels on the inside. My one buddy has silver 2012 Corolla S, and his center and door panels are silver, and it looks great.

So lately I've really been thinking about this, and I came to the conclusion that I have 3 options: Buy the new parts from the dealer or online OEM parts store, buy one of those kits that come in a million colors for around $130, or paint what I already have. I ruled out the aftermarket kit when I read several reviews claiming that they rarely fit well, and sometimes require some rigging to fit properly. I then looked at the OEM parts, and was floored to find out that buying the four door panels, the waterfall, the section below the waterfall, and the big piece that goes around the shifter would cost over $200.

So now I'm pretty much decided on painting. My one friend did it in her xD and it looks great....matches the exterior and looks factory to anyone who doesn't know our cars. I'm actually somewhat looking forward to it despite not having much experience with this kind of thing. The only issue I have is that my car is totally a daily driver. I drive it every day, and don't have a 2nd car or anything. That being said, my plan is to do one piece at a time. I'm not in a hurry, and this way I'm not driving around for a period of time with what will seem like half of my interior missing.
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