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simmons0613 02-13-2011 12:41 PM

Good News/ Bad New?
I just got my orders and I'm leaving much earlier for boot camp than expected. So I'm looking to possibly sell my xd and get a new tc when i get out in a few months. I really dont want to sell it but I also dont want car payments while I'm in boot. I still owe a good 5k left... Any opinions on what I should do with it?

JDMJim 02-13-2011 01:23 PM

everyone goes to bootcamp early....i should know. I don't think you will sell this car before you go unless you take it to carmax. But, you should be able to set up an automatic payment plan for the car. But why sell it? at least you will have a car. I kept mine thru bootcamp and my 4 year term and paid it off. I have to ask, how does one go to boot camp and then "get out"? or you mean buy a car after boot camp? e=I wasn't allowed a car on base after bootcamp. only till I got to the fleet. And then after moving to Japan, I again wasn't allowed a car on base in Japan since i was unmarried and E-4.

simmons0613 02-13-2011 01:40 PM

i meant when i get out of boot camp i would buy another car, but i wasnt awhere that i wouldnt be aloud a car on base as an e-1. I guess I could set up a plan. I just dont like the bank taking money out of my account automatically. They already took a grand out of my account "by accident" when i first got the loan a year ago. Since then I do the deposit in person. I guess I can have a friend or family member do it for me...

simmons0613 02-13-2011 04:26 PM

It looks like im keeping the car. I managed to talk my uncle into holding on to it for me seeing as a e-1 can have a car on base. And he is a e-7 so he will hold on to it for me. So forget the forum please!

TexXBox 02-13-2011 09:30 PM

Glad you found a way to work it out. And, thanks in advance for your service.

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