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CWB211 11-17-2011 06:56 AM

Smoked Tails Not Passing Inspection
I've smoked the tails on almost every car Ive owned and never had an issue passing inspection before, but since I still get free inspections on my xD through Toyota I figured I'd save some cash and have them do it this year. Lo and behold they won't pass my car now with smoked tails... I'm assuming this is just Toyota being a hardass like they usually are... but has anyone else had this experience with Toyota? If so I'll just fork out the cash and take it to my normal garage.

Yes, I used Niteshades on my tails, and they appear black when not in use, but when you turn the lights on at night or apply the brakes they light up perfectly within the "minimum visablity distance" you need to meet.

JDMJim 11-17-2011 09:32 AM

lacked out heads and tails are dangerous. I nearly assholed a tC that had black taillights in my xB. Couldn't even tell they were lit up in the sun. needless to say, I don't care for them. Function over form

C4W22 11-17-2011 08:40 PM

to be honest the only time you should ever black out tails is if you have an LED setup, if not, they're seldom bright enough to recognize in the day, as JDMJim stated....

CXTKRS1 11-17-2011 11:02 PM

Any modifications done to vehicle lighting (safety is important) without DOT registration numbers is illegal...but fuck the police anyway. You messed up by taking your car to the dealership (Toyota itself has nothing to do with this) as they are masters of making money. I bet if you asked them to remove the niteshade they would instead say you have to buy new tail lights. I don't know how your state is setup but what I would (could do this in my state anyway) is take it to a different place and explain to them why you failed the inspection. Also tell them you removed the niteshade and reapplied it in a lighter coat so that more light shines through and see if they pass you.

YELOSUB 11-19-2011 01:47 AM

As a cop Chris, please tell how you really feel :)

CXTKRS1 11-22-2011 12:51 AM


Originally Posted by YELOSUB (Post 12590)
As a cop Chris, please tell how you really feel :)

I don't trust police and ya should kept at arms length at all times...from my experience they are not to be trusted and they will never be friends of the average citizen. I'm not some blind cop hater, my time in EMS has help me form this belief.

bobolinko 01-26-2012 10:41 AM

Yeah, Chris is Right!
I have had many "Cop" friends and all but one were A-holes!

It is a hidden requirement that you must posess to be accepted as a rookie....
You gotta have A-Hole tendencies, or you will never get through rookie school.

Cops only think of what they can get from their job.... free this, free that, etc.
for every "good" cop, you'll find a hundred shixtbirds! Whaddya expect? no real intellectual requirements.... big body, tough guy, A-hole That's all thats required!

Resolve 01-26-2012 01:19 PM

This is a couple of months old, but I will state my piece on cops at least in my city.

I don't really have a problem with them here. Yes there are some A-hole ones and I have been pulled over a couple of times that were questionable, and more of a cop with nothing to do, but not for them being just A-holes.

I haven't been pulled over alot, but there were three times out of say the 10 times (not all ended in tickets) I have been pulled over that the person was an A$$. only 3 of my 10 were speeding. the rest were lighting lol.

but of the 3 One was a DOT cop which are more hardcore anyways. I was young and stupid and had green lighting showing from the front. He came out of a store and stopped me and he gave me a fix it ticket. but pointed out that my tube was showing in the back and made me gey on the ground and disconnect them before could pull out of the parking lot. He was older and the younger local cops where like it looks nice but just becasue you can buy the lights at the part store doesn't mean you can run them. This was back in 2001ish

The second was a state trooped who pulled me over for speeding. I tried to explain it was the car that came up behind me and flew past me as I got over form left lane but he was being an A$$ and not listening.

and Third was guy who pulled me for the HID in the xD. He was pissy and I was trying to talk normal but he kept calling me a liar and stuff and telling me my tint was too dark and I even let him try to test it and fine me for that too, but he was like nah i have messed with you enough tonight. Tint was from dealer so I would of made them eat that ticket.

Other ones that pulled me over. ticket or not. Were cool and kinda talked and even got info from them. I normally admit when I know I am at fault. So maybe that is why I get along with them. Heck I even asked one cop if I had to get a ticket and probably would have gotten off with a warning, but he said not today since the had the speed trap set up. if it was just him and not a planned event then I would have probably gotten off.

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