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dminner 06-23-2012 10:38 PM

Need help troubleshooting a weird suspension issue...
I need so help trouble shooting a really werid suspension problem. My car is on tein coilovers.

My passenger rear wheel gap is a 1/2in lower than the driverside rear. The coilovers are maxed out so the height should be the same.

I assumed it might be a blown shock. I took the shock out to check it and it is fine. The springs are seated in the same way. So I thought maybe somehow one spring is wearing faster and sagging???

I decided for the time being I would simply adjust the passenger coilover up a 1/2in to accomidate. But I would still like to know what might cause this.

Any ideas?

JDMJim 06-25-2012 09:25 AM

i know it's a lot of work, but swap the springs left to right. My last two cars sagged to the guess is the extra weight in the cloverleaf interchanges is squashing the springs....I do drive spirited too...

Resolve 06-26-2012 10:43 AM

Are you springs even in the front?

I am redoing my coilovers on my xb when I get new tires but when I slapped them on I left them at the adjustment the prior owner had well the passenger front was probably about an 1/8th to 1/4th inch lower than the driver side. and with the rear slammed all the way (with perches still in) my passenger side rear will rub more on bumps and cornering than me driver side with me in it. so if the fronts are off then the rears may be different do to that also.

Also I would measure full size of spring and perch combo on both rears. One combo maybe slightly different in overall size

dminner 06-26-2012 07:35 PM

Resolve, my fronts are dead even.

Yeah Jim, I might as well swap rear springs first. That way I no if the issue is the spring or not. Luckly it doesnt really matter with coilovers since I can compensate, but it bugs me not knowing the reason.

JDMJim 06-27-2012 09:50 AM

yea, that was my only resolve since most every turn we take is a right turn.

dminner 06-27-2012 07:21 PM

The plot thickens....

Raising the passenger's side rear coil also raised the height of the driverside rear. Shouldnt the opposite happen? Do now I still have a passenger side that is lower....

I noticed this after I raised the coil, but convinced my self it was just the car needing to settle (but it has been 2 days now)

Resolve 06-28-2012 09:19 AM

I mean depending on how much one side is raised it may raise the other side some. but if only a little raised I wouldn't think it would cause it to raise

How much did you raise the passenger side and how much did the driver side raise?

I know that with my bags I could do full side to side and the side lifeted wouldn't affect the dropped side if both corenrs on opposited were dropped. i.e if driver side dropped front and rear, i could raise passenger side front and rear with little to no change.

But if say both my fronts were aired up and the rears where dropped. I could raise the driver rear and it would make the passenger rear raise some. SO maybe not that odd. But I don't remeber it making it equal movement.

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