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TheLittleDeviant 01-19-2010 09:01 AM

^^ what book?

Sapphyre 01-20-2010 04:42 PM

w00t! awesome kind of day. well. nothing particularly extraordinary- but still a good day. may have found a job... even though I REALLY don't want to go into the food industry.

Sapphyre 01-21-2010 05:26 PM

I just got an email asking if I'd be interested in being a promotions model for a local auto care company. $100/event, including car shows, nascar & drag racing rallies, and various car related events at local sports bars. I'd also be used in local print ads, and possibly a commercial.
totally going to look into it.

... and it's all because Gorden compared me to a vanquish. lmao.

TheLittleDeviant 01-21-2010 05:48 PM

Wow, thats great to hear, congrats on the offer!

So I fought a insurance increase yesterday and won!!!
Great day for me!

Sapphyre 01-21-2010 06:09 PM

thanks! I'm pretty excited. Gorden's been encouraging me to look into modeling, and I've always sort of had an interest in it- but I've always been more interested in being behind the scenes and doing wardrobe or makeup. I've never really given it any thought to being in front of the camera, so this'll be an experience.

TheLittleDeviant 01-22-2010 08:31 AM

Sounds like a good deal, best of luck :)

JDMJim 01-22-2010 09:27 PM

hows this for random?

Sapphyre 01-30-2010 04:02 PM

acccckkkkkkkk!!! someone make the snow go away. I effing hate snow! Well, i take that back. I like it for the all of few hours it starts falling, I hate it after it's properly accumulated and everyone around here begins driving like a fcking idiot so I end up just locking myself in the house until they disappear. But now, I have cabin fever and I want to go out and do something! I can't even go and harass Flash at work because I can't get there thanks to the snow. ugh.

edit. btw- this was his car an hour after it started snowing last night.

JDMJim 01-31-2010 09:28 PM

why can't you go out? it's only snow. i'd love to go out and play in the snw with my daughter, but's it's bitter cold( sorry to those up north, but anything below freezing is bitter cold and then the teens and singles?). it hurts to breathe. so I'll tell you about cabin fever.

Sapphyre 02-01-2010 02:33 AM

snow is horrible. its the worst stuff ever created. I'd rather be stranded on a deserted island with an erupting volcano. I hate the cold (and anything less than 50 is cold to me) and I hate wearing layers and I hate coats and jackets, and boots and gloves. Seriously... when someone talks about hell, I don't picture a firey inferno of torture. I picture alaska. Gimme summer time, tank tops, flip flops, and being able to walk around outside without feeling like your fingers and nose are going to fall off. Plus, winter just sucks in general from working outside for so many years- i know it's necessary, but I hated having to blanket all the horses, break the ice on the troughs etc. and frozen ground sucks for trying to ride on.

notoriouseyk 02-01-2010 03:41 AM


Originally Posted by Sapphyre (Post 4658)
snow is horrible. its the worst stuff ever created. I'd rather be stranded on a deserted island with an erupting volcano. I hate the cold (and anything less than 50 is cold to me) and I hate wearing layers and I hate coats and jackets, and boots and gloves. Seriously... when someone talks about hell, I don't picture a firey inferno of torture. I picture alaska. Gimme summer time, tank tops, flip flops, and being able to walk around outside without feeling like your fingers and nose are going to fall off. Plus, winter just sucks in general from working outside for so many years- i know it's necessary, but I hated having to blanket all the horses, break the ice on the troughs etc. and frozen ground sucks for trying to ride on.

I also hate anything associated with winter and fall weather. I hate the rain, snow and freeze. Only thing I like cold is my beer. I cant stand storms ughh I hate it all. Its a good thing I live in CA.

TheLittleDeviant 02-01-2010 09:25 AM

I dont mind the weather changes, I do mind the shoveling though...

Zstamp19 02-01-2010 11:10 AM

The only thing I can't stand is all the salt all over my car I'm going to wash it on my lunch break. My car has some nice salt colored grafics on it now

JDMJim 02-01-2010 12:39 PM

50 is cold huh? our average temps this winter have been in the 20's. we had a low last week of 0. and alaska is as warm as Chicago right now. so picture Chicago as hell.

Sapphyre 02-01-2010 04:58 PM

lol. I knew there's a reason I've never gone to Chicago!

Seriously though- i grew up in Florida as a child. The times I knew the cold before that, I was too young to remember them. I didn't even own a coat until I moved to NC when I was 8, and my mother and I were bundled up like eskimo's when it hit 60! lol. Yeah, it gets pretty cold here & in England (where I'm from in England stays about the same temps as Raleigh- its just a wetter cold that seeps right down into you and takes forever to warm up from) but that's why I love indoor heating! lol. And I have a personal radiator to snuggle up to whenever I need him, so I'm usually not too bad about it. But 30's & 40's or less? ughhhh... i'll stay in my warm bed all day!

JDMJim 02-01-2010 05:09 PM

yea, 20 and sunshine with no wind was awesome Saturday! was very pleasant outside. not too bad today either. not sunny, but there's no wind, so it feels nice.

Zstamp19 02-01-2010 05:27 PM

I feel ya on the cold thing we have been in the 20s most of the winter which is odd for ky

JDMJim 02-01-2010 10:00 PM

yea, global warming leads to a global cooling of the northern hemisphere.

Zstamp19 02-01-2010 10:50 PM

Yea we will freeze to death before we get thawed and then melt to death

JDMJim 02-02-2010 01:03 PM

i hear that High pressure over greenland is gonna give us a repeat of Arctic air in a week and a half. Florida better get ready for 30's again.

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