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YELOSUB 01-31-2010 11:51 PM

That was first experience in an IMAX theatre...And boy has 3D come a long way!

TheLittleDeviant 02-01-2010 09:20 AM

Saw it over the weekend, AWESOME MOVIE!!! Well worth it, and I may be going to see it again :)

Cylon_xD 02-01-2010 02:54 PM

Haha! Looks like I may be setting up another trip to the IMAX theater this weekend with another friend who wants to see it, would be my sixth time!

Yes the 3D is soooo good, it's not the kind of 3D where stuff jumps out at you, like the old 3D movies, or even the newer stereoscopic 3D movies down at Disney World... Just a very natural 3D world that actually pulls you right INTO the movie. and with full, beautiful color - none of that blurry red/blue-tinted monochrome-looking 3D like the old-style 3D glasses...

I love the scenes when the Na'vi are flying around on their Ikrans, freakin' great scenery... and the floating 3D monitors and map in the control room and aircraft cockpits... 'Course, Neytiri is pretty easy on the eyes too, for a big blue kitty-girl, rowr! lol.

---------- Post added at 02:54 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:52 PM ----------

I saw this morning on the news that Avatar was number 1 in the box office for the seventh week in a row now...

Cylon_xD 02-01-2010 11:27 PM

Hey guys, check out these vids on how they did the motion capture for the CGI animation of the Na'vi characters in Avatar, and the new 3D for the movie... This will really make you appreciate the movie even more when you watch it!

The first two videos are about making the CGI - pretty cool to see the real performers in their motion suits and the finished CGI charater side-by-side in a split-frame... The first video is long but also goes into the "Virtual Camera" that they used during production, the second one is short but even more interesting...

The last two videos are about the way they did the 3D in Avatar to make it as realistic as possible. The second video about the cameras themselves is extremely interesting...

TheLittleDeviant 02-02-2010 11:47 AM

I do like that it was a subtle 3D and not like "ZOMGBBQ BULLETZ!!!!1!!11!!!!!eleven!!1!!!!!"

The set up of the 3D was perfect to showcase the technology and not remove you from the scene itself... I will say though that the first scene in the forest will the 3D bushes etc... fricken awesome!!!!

thedamd 02-02-2010 10:12 PM

Troy you are so right. IMAX 3D is the way to see this movie-and you must see this pic. DO NOT wait for video-it is like sex with a condom-on a wax figure! I have worked on 4 of Jim Cameron's pictures and frankly the guy bugs me but his pictures are amazingly good. This picture breaks new ground for all movies and sets the bar. This is what I have been waiting to experience in a theatre for over 40 years! Check it out-do not cheap out either-3D IMAX if you can-at least 3D if IMAX is not available.

Indemnity83 02-02-2010 10:28 PM

I went and saw it last night at the full IMAX. The story was meh, but it was a two hour eye-gasam that I thoroughly enjoyed.

My friends and I have jokingly renamed the movie "Fern Gully 2".

Cylon_xD 02-03-2010 12:26 AM

Yeah, I know, Fern Gully, Dances with Wolves, Pocahontas, Princess Mononoke, all are the same or similar story, I see all the online comments (whining?) about comparing this movie to those, blah blah blah... but I'd much rather watch THIS version of that similar, worn-out plot a hundred times, especially in IMAX Real 3D, over any of those others (of which I've seen all), so it matters little to me about those other movies - they just flat out lose in my book, no comparison, lol! :p

And the eye-gasm is a nice "consolation", too, haha...!

---------- Post added at 12:07 AM ---------- Previous post was Yesterday at 11:39 PM ----------


Originally Posted by thedamd (Post 4763)
Troy you are so right. IMAX 3D is the way to see this movie-and you must see this pic. DO NOT wait for video-it is like sex with a condom-on a wax figure! do not cheap out either-3D IMAX if you can.

Yeppers, Darrell, I will be seeing it for the 6th time this weekend, and 5 of those times at the IMAX theater, which is an hour's drive from my house... at $16 a pop ($14 ticket plus $2 Fandango fee having to order online in advance of the sellout crowds!) and about $8 in gas for the 80-mile round trip drive, I'm basically paying $24 to see it each time in IMAX 3D - that has to say something about the IMAX experience with this movie!

I did see it (my third time) in a regular theater in Digital 3D and it was still good, but nowhere near as absorbing as IMAX - with that BIG screen, yes, but most importantly, the SOUND! Chest-thumping, like my movie theater at home in my basement... at the regular movie theater, I kept wanting to jump up and yell "TURN UP THE VOLUME!!" LOL!

---------- Post added at 12:26 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:07 AM ----------

Wow, total world-wide gross box-office sales for Avatar is now at $2.1 Billion!!

I think I feel a sequel coming on... :hands:

JJGeneral1 02-03-2010 09:47 AM

i'll just wait until troy's theater gets it in. I'll deal with that. sitting that close to troy's screen is almost imax!!! LOL

Cylon_xD 02-03-2010 11:52 AM

Aw Joe, you are yet another person who is completely oblivious as to why this movie can ONLY be seen in the theater in 3D. It will not even compare at home, even in my theater... Maybe in about 5 years when I can afford to buy the proper Real 3D projector needed to view this film - there ARE a few 1080p 3D models currently available, but they only cost about $10,000 right now...

I'll gladly accept a donation from you, though, if you wish, lol! :)

Cylon_xD 04-22-2010 06:52 AM

Woohoo! Avatar releases on Bluray and DVD today - picking up my pre-order Bluray copy at the local electronics retailer (BB) over my lunch hour! Even though its not 3D, it should be very high quality - they put no extras on the Bluray disk, just the movie and the start menu, and jacked-up the video frame rate and audio bit rates to the maximum that will fit on the Bluray disc.. it's supposed to be reference quality!

I already have FOUR movie showings scheduled for Avatar in my movie theater over the next two weekends, with 6-10 people coming to each one - a Release Day showing tonight, two showings this Sunday at 2pm and 7 pm, and a Family Night showing next Saturday evening... seems like everyone I know is wanting to come see this in the Frey Theater, lol!

So when are you coming to see it, Joe?! :)

JJGeneral1 04-22-2010 08:50 AM


Originally Posted by Cylon_xD (Post 6215)
Woohoo! Avatar releases on Bluray and DVD today - picking up my pre-order Bluray copy at the local electronics retailer (BB) over my lunch hour! Even though its not 3D, it should be very high quality - they put no extras on the Bluray disk, just the movie and the start menu, and jacked-up the video frame rate and audio bit rates to the maximum that will fit on the Bluray disc.. it's supposed to be reference quality!

I already have FOUR movie showings scheduled for Avatar in my movie theater over the next two weekends, with 6-10 people coming to each one - a Release Day showing tonight, two showings this Sunday at 2pm and 7 pm, and a Family Night showing next Saturday evening... seems like everyone I know is wanting to come see this in the Frey Theater, lol!

So when are you coming to see it, Joe?! :)

never. i will never see fern gulley 2... er i mean avatar...

ramrat1 04-22-2010 10:07 AM

they are sure trying to milk the money with 3 different releases of the Avatar dvd.
This one being bare bones version. Later this year full multi disk version (without 3d). And then finally the 3d version.

Cylon_xD 04-22-2010 11:42 AM

Well, if you catch any of the online interviews with James Cameron about the BD and DVD release, he explains why they are doing it this way - not because of being greedy...

There is so much demand for the movie, they were rushing to release it now, just 6 weeks after the movie basically left the 3D theaters. The release is in conjuction with Earth Day. To make this movie as presentable on BD as it was seen in IMAX theaters, the Bluray version in this first release is a very ultra-res format - there are no extras whatsoever on the disk, just the movie and the start menu. They have jacked up the video framrate from the normal 20-22 fps to a reference-quality 35-40 fps, and the audio at a bitrate of 3.6-5.2 Mbps, so that the movie is at the maximum quality that fills the bluray disk completely. Also, anyone who buys the first release gets a discount coupon to purchase the second release when it is available, something that has not been done before...

The second release in December of this year will have the extras included, and was supposed to have the 3D version as well, but that could have changed. The second release won't be until December because the extras have not even been created yet; they have not had any time to produce them, and Cameron wants to take his time so the extras are done the way he wants them.

And the delay with the 3D realease is mainly because no one yet has the 3D capabilities to view the movie in the 3D format it will be in; 3D TVs are just starting to come out, and there are no 3D players out on the market yet. The 3D version will NOT be in the analglyph format that uses the red/green or red/blue cellophane 3D glasses, but will be made for digital 3D shutter glasses.

Flipper 04-22-2010 12:43 PM

I'll wait for REDBOX

JJGeneral1 04-22-2010 12:45 PM


Originally Posted by Cylon_xD (Post 6225)
Well, if you catch any of the online interviews with James Cameron about the BD and DVD release, he explains why they are doing it this way - not because of being greedy...

There is so much demand for the movie, they were rushing to release it now, just 6 weeks after the movie basically left the 3D theaters. The release is in conjuction with Earth Day. To make this movie as presentable on BD as it was seen in IMAX theaters, the Bluray version in this first release is a very ultra-res format - there are no extras whatsoever on the disk, just the movie and the start menu. They have jacked up the video framrate from the normal 20-22 fps to a reference-quality 35-40 fps, and the audio at a bitrate of 3.6-5.2 Mbps, so that the movie is at the maximum quality that fills the bluray disk completely. Also, anyone who buys the first release gets a discount coupon to purchase the second release when it is available, something that has not been done before...

The second release in December of this year will have the extras included, and was supposed to have the 3D version as well, but that could have changed. The second release won't be until December because the extras have not even been created yet; they have not had any time to produce them, and Cameron wants to take his time so the extras are done the way he wants them.

And the delay with the 3D realease is mainly because no one yet has the 3D capabilities to view the movie in the 3D format it will be in; 3D TVs are just starting to come out, and there are no 3D players out on the market yet. The 3D version will NOT be in the analglyph format that uses the red/green or red/blue cellophane 3D glasses, but will be made for digital 3D shutter glasses.

you mean like the 3d TV i saw at bestbuy, using the 3D LCD glasses?

Those things are cool. The movie was "UP" and it was playing on a PS3 hooked into a 3D TV.

Total cost of everything was $2000 (TV, PS3, LCD glasses, and Movie)

Cylon_xD 04-22-2010 01:27 PM

Yep, that's it... those LCD shutter glasses cost $80-$100 a piece, so to get enough for a room full of people to watch all at once, add some more bucks to that price. I forgot, the PS3 can do 3D, there's just no stand-alone 3D BD players are on the market yet... And I won't be buying any 3D TV anytime soon, just bought a 52" Sharp Aquos 2 years ago and laid out $2500 for it...

I'd rather wait until they come out with 3D 1080p projectors so I can upgrade my regular 1080p projector in my movie theater - THAT's where the 3D will really rock!! So, that may be more like 2 years from now for me, yet... :disgust:

---------- Post added at 02:27 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:19 PM ----------


Originally Posted by Flipper (Post 6226)
I'll wait for REDBOX

Hmm, is that anything like REDTUBE, perhaps? LOL!

JJGeneral1 04-22-2010 02:10 PM

LOL. yeah troy, the PS3 is your blue-ray player, with gaming on the side.

the tv was cool, and to be honest, those LCD glasses don't mess up any of the surrounding area. i was in best buy, and could still look around and not have any problems seeing clearly. that was the cool part. then turning them off, only brightened the room some. that's crazy!!!

ramrat1 04-22-2010 02:37 PM

Thats to bad. I was hoping they would come out with the 3d version for regular tv's. Guess I will wait for the regular copy to come out in redbox as well.

Thanks for the info on the 3d version.

notoriouseyk 04-22-2010 09:32 PM

looks like a huge xbox game of a movie....never seen it..saw little bit of it and fell asleep...not a sci fi guy so i guess its not for everyone...

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